Pedestrian Faux Pas?

While having coffee and laptop time with my dear friend Ingrid, she stated she had a ‘pedestrian faux pas’ moment that made her think of me. While walking the dog on the sidewalk, jamming out to her ipod, she got that subconscious tingle that someone was giving her “the stink eye”. She turned and saw…

Give me 5?

There is a new public awareness campaign in Los Angeles regarding cycling safety. The image to the right is posted all over bus stops and other areas that allow for posters – it is trying to signal to the driver that they should give at least three feet to the cyclist. I’d like 5 feet,…


While commuting home (via car) the other day, I was waiting at a light and glanced at the Bike Lane sign. I then did a double glance and realized it didn’t say ‘Bike’ but had been altered (ohh you pesky urban artists!) to ‘Gunk’ lane. I then held up traffic to get a picture with…

Traffic sign: Slippery when wet

Alright, so it’s not exactly a cycling related sign but I took the picture when I got lost cycling around Schoodic Point in Maine. Oh man. I just love the graphic of the stick person slipping into the water. And that water is C-O-L-D. Trust me, you don’t want to fall into the North Atlantic.…