Who whut whut?

Hey hey!!
Why Thrown Chain? My commuter bike drops/throws the chain at least 2x a week (hell, it did it twice on Friday). The bike is thrashed up from commuting, and putting the chain back on means my hands get filthy. That’s life for you – sometimes you just gotta get your hands dirty.

I love bullet points, so that’s what I’m gonna do.

  • I live in Los Angeles in Burbank. That means I get to bike in 100 degree weather. *SWEAT*
  • I’m a transplant from Massachusetts. I really miss New England (and Dunkin Donuts). GO RED SOX
  • I LOVE cycling. This blog is about trials and tribulations of working towards a double century (200 miles), training for a triathlon, and life in general. Yay for ultra distance cycling?
  • Since starting this blog, I was diagnosed and “cured” of thyroid cancer. I had a complete thyroidectomy and am re adjusting to life without a thyroid. It’s pretty much the same but I tired a bit more easily.
  • Hoping to use this blog to post reviews, etc, about the wonderful world of cycling
  • Help out anyone that had a thyroidectomy and is also trying to re adjust to a life of sports afterwards.
  • I am not a skinny hip Wheelman hammering all over the city – child bearing hips will never let me past a certain size pants (not sharing that), but I can do a century and crush you with my legs. 😀

Me next to my old bike in Palos Verdes:

One thought on “Who whut whut?

  1. Pingback: Fashion Week: The Hat

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