More Stupid Female Cycling Clothes Pictures

What is it with trying to buy women specific cycling clothes online? I keep finding the most inane pictures. The following are all stolen from . Check out this stupid Castelli shirt pic. What’s with the see through nipples? Is this to let me know I should wear sunblock on my boobs, otherwise my…

Biking Mulholland

After several months with the stupid back injury, I finally went up and did a reverse loop of one of my favorite stretches of Mulholland Highway. Here is a link to my Garmin ride stats – YES I know I was morbidly slow but I am just getting back out there. AT LEAST I FINISHED…

hero tool review

Hero Kit Review

Today’s post is a Hero Kit Review! The Hero Kit is an all in one bicycling kit. There are several different kits, but the one I’m reviewing today is the Mountain Biking Hero Kit. In full disclosure, Hero Kit reached out to me to see if I was interested in trying out their product. They…

5 oz orange hydrapak

Giveaway: Hydrapak Soft Flasks!

Sick of trying to get to your energy gel/goo and getting it all over your hands and having that icky sticky wrapper after you are done? Well, there is a solution for that! The Hydrapak Soft Flask, which comes in a 5 oz and an 8 oz size. And thanks to Hydrapak, I have two…

Duct Tape is not Rim Tape

My trail bike got a flat. Nothing new for anyone that has a bike, except this is the first time I’ve had a flat for the rear tire of the trail bike. Long time readers with amazing memory will recall that I stole this bike from a friend who was neglecting it (for the price…

Road ID Comparison

Road ID Comparison: Slim vs Elite

After sadly realizing that I need yet another Road ID due to the fact that the emergency contact on my current one will probably just let me die if they were contacted for an emergency, I ordered a Road ID slim. The thing I liked most about the slim was that I didn’t feel obligated…

Handle bars - optimal bra drying racks

Bike Handle Bars – Optimal bra drying racks

I had posted about this on the Thrown Chain Facebook a few days ago but figured photo evidence could always be fun. Ladies backed me up on this, but perhaps dudes need some more info. You see, dudes, bras are hella expensive and super delicate. So you can’t be putting them in the dryer; they…

The Girl Bit Killah – Unity Saddle

A friend of mine complained about how uncomfortable her bike saddle was. I had her send me pics; she has a Unity saddle (which is a brand owned by Giant bicycles). Check out these images below and it’s obvious as to what was causing the issue. Just looking at the saddle makes my labia want…

Product Review: Action Wipes

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a product review, mostly because I haven’t bought anything and the stuff I’ve been given by companies have been lame. I won’t review a sub-par product. Action Wipes reached out to me and sent me their product. My first thought was ‘ok. body wipes. hm.’. But after using them,…