After sadly realizing that I need yet another Road ID due to the fact that the emergency contact on my current one will probably just let me die if they were contacted for an emergency, I ordered a Road ID slim. The thing I liked most about the slim was that I didn’t feel obligated to put a person’s name and contact info on it – I can just update that on the Road ID website and if that contact turns debatable, I can just update it electronically.
Also, check out how much thinner/sleeker the slim is, which I kind of like. The Elite has a metal clasp which is kind of nice, but the slim just slides right on. I suspect I can adjust the size, but haven’t tried yet. The Elite usually came in just one size (perhaps it’s changed in the past few years) and you adjusted it. The Slim had you choose small/medium/large. I got a medium and it fits pretty good. The band is stretchy.
My first Road ID was black but I decided after that to get brightly colored bands. I mean, the point is that when you are lying on the road, mangled and bloody and unable to talk for yourself, they will notice the damn bracelet, right?? So as you can see, I had orange before and got bright green this time.
I also dig that all your medical info and critical info is text to voice available for emergency responders. I totally feel safer wearing one of these, honestly.
Do you have a Road ID? If so, which one?
I always say I am going to get one but never get one. I got something like it at interbike last week where I just put all my info on some website and the company gave me a digital barcode thing to scan with any cell phone to stick on my bike. I hope I never have to find out if it works or not.
Oooo how was Interbike? I thought about checking it out but got shy.
Which company was it? Hope you never find out as well =X
Hmmm but it’s something you put on your bike? Is it obvious to observers that your information is the barcode on the bike? Can you send a link or pic?