Cyclists vs Food

This cracks me up. I’d love to see this happening at one of the major tours. I can see it now – Domino’s sponsors the USA team, has Domino’s delivered during one of the stages and they eat it on the bike. HAHAH Cyclists vs. Food

Sciatica and Cycling

High level summary: If you are having sciatic pain, get an MRI to know in more detail what is going on Go to physical therapy My particular issue is the L5/S1 is about 5 millimeters to the right, pushing on the sciatic nerve (and causing pain) If you are a cyclist, have your physical therapist…

Parkour and Women

Have you heard of parkour? It’s essentially free style running/jumping/gymnastic craziness all over an urban environment. It’s pretty intense to watch. Here’s a vid: I’ve watched some of the training videos; I can run, jump, but this back flip stuff? Hell no. I’m one of the least flexible humans ever; another reason why cycling is…

Bicycle Pasta

Bike Shaped Pasta for Charity

While tooling around the North Shore in Massachusetts, I stumbled across a really cute concept. The owners of a small butcher shop were raising money for a bike ride charity by selling bike shaped pasta. If you need to carb load for a bike ride, why not carb load on bike shaped pasta? Would it…

Cluck Cluck Yuck!

So before I had my eating epiphany, I really WAS trying to make an effort to eat more at home, and not just Lean Cuisine frozen meals. Hey, laugh all you want – as a single chick, Lean Cuisines are pretty awesome and convenient. When they were on sale for $2 each, I would leave…

Invisible Thyroid is Invisible

I’m not gonna lie – it’s been a rough week for me. After losing weight and having my body go askew, I’m still dealing with the repercussions. The doctor had me go down to 100mcg of synthroid about a week ago. This week, I am a ZOMBIE. ZOMBIE! I can barely move, I don’t want…