I spent my morning today biking up and up and up Latigo Canyon in Malibu. Here is our route. According to my phone’s app, we climbed over 2,500 feet in total, with a max elevation of 1,987 feet.
Max grade: 12% (omg)
Min grade: -14% (yeaahh! Runaway truck signs EVERYWHERE on our descent on Kanan to PCH)
At one point a cyclist whizzed by my friend that was biking with me and almost took him out. Again, hi – ‘on your left’? We are all going up a freakin’ canyon, you had to go so fast and so close to my cycling buddy that you almost caused an accident in the middle of nowhere? Laaame! Also lame was all the landslide/rockslide rubble on the side of the road. Them canyons be dangerous!
So yeah. I did it. I had to stop a few times, got passed by people in their 50’s (don’t be fooled by their age, they are in amazing shape) and I was on the lowest gear, but dang. I can’t wait to go back and go up and up and up Latigo or another canyon again.
Got a local ride of doom you recommend? Mention the city/state the ride is in.