While wandering around my beloved hometown of Boston on Saturday, I noticed two things.
1. There are now bike lanes in Boston (!)
2. You can now RENT bikes as a form of public transportation in Boston via a service called Hubway (!!)
I dreamed of being a bike messenger in Boston while working in the Financial district, but Dad forbade it. Considering he saw one get killed by a truck in front of him once, I could understand. Still, bike messengers in the 90’s in Boston were soooooooo SEXY and COOL.
So my dreams of being a bike messenger never came to fruition, but at least I run a biking related blog?
Moving on..
Hubway is a ride share program in Boston. Pricing consists of two parts: Access to Hubway, and then additional pricing on how long you have the bike.
What’s really cool is that Boston partnered with a bunch of places for subsidized helmets, including CVS, Walgreens, and uhmm…hospitals. LOL
Boston is a walking city. I hope with something like this it will become more of a biking city, but with the hit-and-run taxi cabs, Boston is a bit scary to bike around. Also, it teems with tourists in the summer and Bostonians never abide by the traffic lights and just wander everywhere. I’m guilty of doing this as well.
I saw two people renting from the Hubway while I was looking at all the details and taking pics, so that is promising. Next time I’m back in Boston, I’m going to sign up for the service and give it a try.
At the very least, we all know that Boston runs, bikes, walks and waltzes thanks to Dunkin Donuts.