Happy October

Wow, October is already upon us!

I had an amazing weekend mountain biking and hiking up in Oregon. I’ll have a separate post about that. Talk about an adventure, in many ways!

Today I am a .. cancer patient?
Tomorrow I’ll be a … cancer… survivor? Whuut?

Still strange to think about. Not scared about getting gutted, just concerned about the recovery period.

So I’ll have plenty of time to update this week about my crazy adventure in Oregon!

3 thoughts on “Happy October

  1. Just started reading the blog. My wife’s a cancer survivor as well. She’ll be 7 years cancer free this December (along with 3 years of marriage)!

    Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! And when the doctor says you need to stay off the bike for a certain period of time, do it. Doctors tend to get upset with you when they tell you to not do something, then you do it, and you make things worse.

    Anyway, good luck, and congrats on being a cancer survivor!

    • I am really glad to hear your wife is doing well!!! What type of cancer did she have?

      I’m maybe not doing a great job at not over exerting myself, but I have stayed off the bike. 🙁

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