The Hotties of Team Radioshack: Jose Luis Rubiera

Perhaps you saw my review of Team Radioshack Levi Leipheimer. This is another post delving into the hotness of Team Radioshack during week 1 of the Tour de France!

He fills that jersey out nicely

Today’s featured hottie is Jose “Chechu” Luis Rubiera. This Spanish babe makes me wanna shout “Hola!” instead of “Hollah!” with his easy goin’ grin and electrical engineering degree (I love me some engineers).


  • 5’11” and 152#, born in 1973
  • Has to use meds for allergies and ensure he doesn’t get tested positive for doping because of it
  • Signed up with the USPS team because it was “technologically superior” yeah!!
  • According to Lance, Chechu is an ‘easy laugher’. Gotta love a man that can smile and laugh, right?

Showing his sensitive side with a baby kangaroo

In his USPS shirt, looking foine

Got a preference for a pro cyclist over these? Perhaps I am not posting about an enticing gender? Comment with your pick. 🙂

P.S. – It’s hard to find good pictures of these guys. I keep typing in their name + “shirtless” or “naked” but no relevant images of them shirtless OR naked comes up!!! Come on now!!

One thought on “The Hotties of Team Radioshack: Jose Luis Rubiera

  1. Pingback: The Hotties of Team Radioshack: Haimar Zubeldia

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