hero tool review

Hero Kit Review

Today’s post is a Hero Kit Review! The Hero Kit is an all in one bicycling kit. There are several different kits, but the one I’m reviewing today is the Mountain Biking Hero Kit. In full disclosure, Hero Kit reached out to me to see if I was interested in trying out their product. They…

Duct Tape is not Rim Tape

My trail bike got a flat. Nothing new for anyone that has a bike, except this is the first time I’ve had a flat for the rear tire of the trail bike. Long time readers with amazing memory will recall that I stole this bike from a friend who was neglecting it (for the price…

Road ID Comparison

Road ID Comparison: Slim vs Elite

After sadly realizing that I need yet another Road ID due to the fact that the emergency contact on my current one will probably just let me die if they were contacted for an emergency, I ordered a Road ID slim. The thing I liked most about the slim was that I didn’t feel obligated…

Dear Abby Quandry

I read Dear Abby almost every day. Went to the page to catch up and saw the below new articles: My first thought was ‘OH! Bike related article! Cool!’ and RIGHT before I clicked it I saw the next headline. Woman Refuses To Give Lover The Kind Of Pleasure He Wants How do you NOT…

Wherefore art thou, puncture in tube?

Yes yes, I know ‘wherefore’ means ‘why’, but I’m going to use it BOTH WAYS. Or as they say on the cooking shows, “wherefore, two ways’. I went to go ride today and I had a flat tire. I’ve been having some fails in the bike maintenance department, so this just caused me to get…

Ghost Bikes and Girl Bits

After two weeks of NO physical exertion, including being under the weather with continued uterus issues, I decided enough blobbing about – get on the damn bike. I chose a 20 mile ride through a local canyon that wouldn’t take too long in the waning light of day. While grabbing some bike shorts, I tried…

Satanic Thorn

On the edge of the story of thumbtacks at the Tour de France, check out this scary thorn that punctured my friend’s tire: According to it’s wikipedia page, this scary thorn is produced by a flowering perrenial called ‘Tribulus terrestris’. Since that name kind of sucks, it has some common names, such as “cat’s head,…

National Bike Month!

That’s right – for all us Yankees, it’s National Bike Month! For the International people – does your country have an International Bike Month? What special events are going on in your area? Check out this site to see what’s going on! May 14th – 18th is Bike to Work Week! A lot of major…